He's doing good! He has been back to work for a month... maybe six weeks. Thank goodness he has a desk job et has been able to work! He is still on crutches/walker... but is only two weeks away from the 3 month mark at which point he will be able to start walking on it... YAY! For the most part his pain is pretty minimal, though he is finding storms hurt! A couple weekends ago Crystal, Doug, et Levi came to visit, we were all outside et I guess Jeremy was feeling left out...
Good thing the 4-wheeler has a crutches rack!
It's good to see he's up and around. And yes, there's something about metal in the body that can sense storms. I personally thinks it's a drop in the pressure that you feel, because I've had those feelings even when a storm has been in the area and not hit us directly. It's a joy (NOT!)